The Federal Arbitration Court of the North-Caucasian Cirsuit

The Federal Arbitration Court of the North-Caucasian CirsuitThe Federal Arbitration Court of the North Caucasian Circuit was formed in accordance with the constitutional federal law nr. 1-FKZ as of April 28, 1995 «On the Arbitration Courts in the Russian Federation and started to work on September 18, 1995».

The basic activity trends of the Federal Arbitration Court of the North Caucasian Circuit are to carry out examinations as a cassational court of the lawfulness of judicial acts, that attached, decided by the arbitration courts of the Republics of Adygei, Dagestan, Ingooshetia, Kalmykia, North Ossetia-Alania, Kabardian and Balkar, Karachai-Circassian Republics, Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region, Stavropol Territory and Chechen Republic. Also the judicial acts by the arbitration courts of appellate jurisdiction, formed in this judicial circuit, are subject to examination.

For the eight years of work more than 22 thousand cases were considered by the Federal Arbitration Court of the North Caucasian Circuit, ruling in its own right, as a cas-sational court. The staff of the Court is 96 strong, of which 33 are the judges (by September of 2003).

The research advisory board operates under the Federal Arbitration Court of the North Caucasian Circuit. Along with the judges of the circuit court also the representa-tives of the North Caucasian Circuit arbitration courts, the executives of some bodies of Krasnodar Territory state power and the leading civil law scientists of Kuban are the members of this board.