The Kuban Cossacks trace back to 1792, when advanced detachment of more than 25 000 Cossacks of the Black Sea forces in number arrived to Kuban.
At present the Kuban Cossacks’ Forces number 130 thousand Cossacks’ families, of which 46 thousand declared of their readiness to meet their liabilities of doing state and another service in Krasnodar Territory.
The Cossacks of the Kuban Cossacks’ Forces do their military service in the order set by the federal legislation, participate in the maintenance of social order, in activities connected with overcoming consequences of natural hazards, nature protection and ecological service and with protection of woods in accordance with Decree 563 of the RF President «On the Order of Attraction of the Cossacks’ Societies Members to the State and Another Service» dated April 16, 1993. The Cossacks’ societies trained and sent to the service 5649 persons, beginning from 1996, of which 507 persons in 2001 and 430 — in 2002.
In parallel with the performance of duties of state service, the fundamental activities among the multiple ones of the Cossacks’ societies are as follows in present conditions:
The military and patriotic upbringing of the younger generation is exercised, based on the best traditions of the Kuban Cossacks. The Cossacks Forces and Department on the matters of the Cossacks under Administration of the territory carry out constantly the work for the foundation and organization of the Cossacks-oriented education institutions network (cadet schools, military schools and boarding schools). The Territory is a witness of work for establishment of Cossacks’ Centre’s, clubs, sections, the main task of which is the formation of the moral-psychological and physical qualities in young people, necessary for the military service, fostering patriotism, respectful attitude towards the historical and cultural past of Russia, mastering military and patriotic, cultural and historical programs, participation in ethnographical tours and collection of materials on history of the Kuban Cossacks’ Forces.
Widely known became in the region the Cossacks’ junior games of Kuban that were run in 2003 in Krasnodar Territory for the fifth time. The topical (cultural, health-improving, educative) contents of the games and the massive participation of the youth from stanitsas and farmsteads are the positive moments of this arrangement more than 6 thousand boys and girls participate in these games annually.
The work of the Cossacks’ squads for the maintenance of social order, in the ranks of which more than 5000 Cossacks serve, more than once won the positive appraisal of Krasnodar Territory Central Board of Home Affairs and of the Russian Federation Ministry of Home Affairs.
At present the issues of the uniform state policy in regard to the Cossacks took on great significance in Kuban, and the work for preparing the package of the normative legal acts is in process. The Administration of Krasnodar Territory prepared and the Legislative Assembly adopted the regional laws «On organization of state and another service of the Cossacks’ society’s members of the Kuban Cossacks’ Forces in Krasnodar Territory» and «On the further social protection measures of the Cossacks’ societies members, enlisted to the state service in Krasnodar Territory».
The Kuban Cossacks’ Forces are in action on the territory of three subjects of the Russian Federation. In connection with it the Agreement of cooperation for organization of the state and another service of the Cossacks in Krasnodar Territory, Adygey Republic and Karachay-Circassian Republic. The names of the Cossacks who contribute greatly to development and progress of Krasnodar Territory and Russian Federation, are known in Kuban and outside. These are of scientists and agricultural workers, public officers and the workers of institutions and organizations, top executives of enterprises of all the property forms.
The Kuban Cossacks’ society consolidates in its ranks the Cossacks in historical borderlines of the Cossacks’ Forces. Both in the last centuries and at present have profound impact in peacekeeping and conservation of stability in the region and this role of the Cossacks, mostly important for the present days, is well understood by the peoples of the Northwest Caucasus.
The Kuban Cossacks today are reality that is taken into account on solution of political, social and economic issues, aimed at the better social welfare of Krasnodar Territory inhabitants.
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