The first workers of the automobile inspection appeared on the roads of Kuban in 1935. The staff of Krasnodar automobile inspection department was only two men strong. The chief of the service was Alexander Mitrofanovich Kuranov. The workers of Kuban automobile inspection department had only one car and two motor cycles in that time.
At present more than 1.5 million transportation facilities have been registered in Krasnodar Territory, of which the passenger cars number about 100 thousand units, the freight transport facilities — about 180 thousand units, and the buses are 30 thousand in number. For each 1000 inhabitants of Krasnodar Territory there are 196 units of passenger cars, that is 1.3 fold more than on the average in Russia (155). The road density in the Territory is sixfold higher than on the average in Russia.
Nowadays the full blooded automobile inspection departments (divisions), in the staffs of which the positions in all directions of the State Automobile Inspection service activity are envisaged, have been created under 56 Home Affairs Departments of Krasnodar Territory. Since 1992 all the forces and means of the road patrol service have been in direct subordination of State Automobile Inspection Directorate of Krasnodar Territory Central Board of Home Affairs and concentrated in 5 regiments, 19 battalions, squadrons and one special battalion (city of Sochi).
The structure of the road patrol service incorporates the regional system of straggler collecting posts. 35 posts are disposed by the principle of three circles around the regional centre, on the borderlines of the Territory and also on the primary highway junctions. It enables to control the traffic of motor transport on the roads in any direction every 50–60 km.
All the control posts of militia and stationary posts of the State Automobile Inspection are provided with motor transport, computers and are equipped with the phone, teletype and radio communications. The special engineering of carriageway has been carried out, permitting to channelize the transportation flows and to stop any vehicles, should the need arise.
Currently the primary trend is modernization and technical outfit of the service. The X-ray apparatus «Silhouette Scan Mobile 300» first in Russia was acquired and put in operation, permitting to carry out the examination of the freight motor transport unloaded. The subdivisions of Krasnodar Territory State Automobile Inspection were among the first ones in Russia, where 190 «Sokol- Viza» tools were delivered for indication, fixation and documentation of the most coarse violations of the Highway Code. In 2003 these tools were employed to suppress more than 8 thousand most coarse violations of the Highway Code. 12 control posts of militia were to install the «Potok» complexes at, permitting to automatically disclose in motion those travel facilities, that were stolen or are the matter of operational interest.
1200 personal computers are exploited by the subdivisions of the State Automobile Inspection or 15 ones in each subdivision on the average, and 22 computer programs were worked out and introduced into practice. The efficiency of work was improved significantly due to installation of computer data base on wanted persons at all the control posts of militia.
In an effort to strengthen control over the technical condition of the travel facilities 14 stations of the state technical examination were put into service and other 10 ones are at the stage of construction.
At present more than 600 traffic light objects are in operation, 30% of which were included into automated traffic control system. For the first time in Russia the wireless control of the traffic light objects (by radiochannel) began to be operated. The similar automatic systems are in operation in the cities of Sochi and Novorossiysk.
The system of information and connection with population has been installed and is in constant operation. The study of public opinion of the State Automobile Inspection activity has been arranged.
The prevention of the children’s motor-vehicle accidents is given especially careful attention: the complex of measures to attract children and teenagers into the squads of the young traffic inspectors is in progress. In Krasnodar Territory more than 1000 squads of the young traffic inspectors, that are more than 10 thousand strong, are at work.
By and large, there is a steady tendency for the basic figures of the accident rate in Krasnodar Territory to lower. The crimes cleared by the workers of the State Automobile Inspection grew practically 1.5-fold in number. Autotheft and stealage of travel facilities diminished 1.7-fold, and the participation of the State Automobile Inspection workers in the clearing of those has become 2.5 times larger.
The activity of the State Automobile Inspection allowed to elevate the road safety on the highways of the Territory and efficiency of the State Automobile Inspection participation in the fight against the crimes.